Crop Aid Citric Acid

What is in Your Water?

Not all water is created equal. Because farm water often comes from a number of different sources, its quality can vary considerably, and also change over time - even on the same property.


Crop Aid Citric Acid

Crop Aid Citric Acid is a food-grade fine powder and is used to condition your water, optimizing the pH for better absorption of applied nutrients and chemicals. It is also a mild chelator and is safe and easy to use.

Crop Aid Citric Acid will help to lower pH, total dissolved solids (tds), and hardness.

Agricultural chemicals that are mixed with poor quality water can have reduced effectiveness.

How it is applied?

Crop Aid Citric Acid powder dissolves instantly into water. Use the 250 ml (1 cup) scoop provided to measure the appropriate amount then mix it into your water supply. The included pH testing kit is used to measure the pH level of the water after the product has been added.

When should it be applied?

It should be applied when water quality is poor as it helps to lower pH, reduce total dissolved solids (tds), and improve chemical absorption in all water. Always follow chemical labels concerning pH adjustment.

Container Size

  • 20L pail (5 US gal) with a 250 ml (1 cup) scoop and a pH testing kit included.

Benefits of Citric Acid:

  • Improved Chemical Effectiveness: It helps enhance the effectiveness of agricultural chemicals by conditioning the water.

  • Better Nutrient Absorption: By lowering pH and reducing total dissolved solids (tds), it improves the absorption of chemicals and nutrients into the plant.

  • Enhanced Tank Compatibility: The conditioning of the water helps tank mixes blend better and stay mixed in the sprayer.

  • Cost Effective and Easy to Use: It is a low cost solution that improves the quality of the water, making it affordable for large scale use.