Field Data
Want proof that our products work? Here it is!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
2023 Nutrient Efficiency Trial Done at Lakeland College in Vermillion, Alberta
Crop Aid Nutrition’s Objective in this study was to demonstrate that by using the products Crop Aid Plus and Crop Aid React that the Nutrient use Efficiency and Soil Fertility would increase.
The applied standard fertilizer rate was reduced to demonstrate that the objectives were attainable.
Crop Aid Nutrition does not support reduction of fertilizer without soil tests and recommendations from a qualified professional.
2023 results with Wheat, Peas and Canola done at St. Brieux, SK by SM Ag Research Ltd.
2020 results with Barley done at St. Brieux, SK by SM Ag Research Ltd.
Please note: As of June 2020, the name Crop Aid Soil has been changed to Crop Aid Plus ™
2020 results with Peas done at Vulcan, AB by Small Plot Inc.
2020 results with Canola done at Vulcan, AB by Small Plot Inc.
2020 results with Wheat done at Vulcan, AB by Small Plot Inc.
2017/2018/2019 results with Peas near Saskatoon, SK. Testing was done by Ag Quest.
2018/2019 results with Barley near Saskatoon, SK. Testing was done by Ag Quest.
2019 results with Canola near Saskatoon, SK. Testing was done by Ag Quest.
2018/2019 results with Canola/Peas/Wheat done at Vulcan, AB by Small Plot Inc.
2018 Results with Durum done at Vulcan, AB. Testing was done by Small Plot Inc.